As the human population increases rapidly day by day there need a lot of new technology in all fields to improve or increase the products. Otherwise there will be an unbalance between the user and the product.
For instant, the amount of product (eatable food stuff) consumed by the consumers say ”x” is “y”, as the value of the “x” increase day by day, there needs new technologies to increase the value of “y” to protect from the imbalance.
Now here is a scientific method to extract pure water. Although around 75% of the earth is occupied by water, the pure water available in the earth is very less around 95% percent of total amount of water is salty and that why this water can not be used in day to day life.
So in countries like Australia, UAE etc a good technology to extract pure water from salty water is required. The very method to perform this job is known as Solar desalination